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PO BOX 1909
Nathaniel Mixon 1564–1624 M: Lucy 1567–1620
1~Christopher Mixon
2~Elizabeth Mixon-Swaine
3~Richard Megginson/Maxen/Mixson 1588 London, Middlesex, England D: 1633 London, Middlesex, England M: 1616 Gateshead, Durham, England, to Elizabeth Story B: 1590 D: 1663, d/o William Story see below
Queen Elizabeth I 1588-1603 Daughter of Henry VIII
3~Richard Megginson/Maxen/Mixson 1588 London, Middlesex, England D: 1633 London, Middlesex, England M: 1616 Gateshead, Durham, England, to Elizabeth Story B: 1590 D: 1663, d/o William Story
2~William Mixon I 1634-
1~John Megginson (Mickson/Mixon) B:1610 Kent, England & resided Walton on the Thames, Surrey, England D: 1655 Gloucester Cty, VA M: Ellen Lnu B: 1620 London, England D: 1680 in Abingdon Parish, Gloucester County, VA. He arrived in Jamestown, Virginia from England in 1650 with a group of English immigrants led by Capt. Moore Fauntleroy (In the early days of the Virginia Colony a grant of 50 acres was allowed for each person transported, and this was called a "headright". It is a on record that Col. Moore Fauntleroy transported 179 persons. Their names are listed in his patents, many of them were people of prominence. Most of the patents are signed by Sir William Berkeley, who was then the Royal Governor of Virginia. Col. Fauntleroy was an owner or part owner of ships). The name was simply spelled how it was pronounced in the very early colonial days which would indicate a distinct origin back to northern England. According to several sources, the ship departed England shortly after Oliver Cromwell's seize of power in England as all those who supported King Charles I of England fled to the Virginia colonies. They settled on the north side of the Rappahannock River.
1~John Mixson I B: 1633 Kent England D: 1664 see below
Henry Stuart, 1st Duke of Gloucester 1640-1660-Gloucester County, VA
Third son of King Charles I of England
John Mixson I B: 1633 Kent England D: 1664 VA M: Ellen 1620 London D: 1680 VA
1~John Megginson/Mixon II B: 1655 Abingdon Parish, Gloucester Cty, (Gloucester County was created in 1651 from York County) VA D: 1720 VA M1: 1678 Mary Grace Whitehead B: 1662 D: 1700 M2: Elizabeth Perry 1660-1730
1~John Mixon III 1680-1734 see below
2~William Mixon 1683-1739
3~Matthew Mixon 1685-1775
4~Mary Mixon 1687-
5~Jane Mixon 1693-
6~James Mixon 1693-1694
1~John Mixon III B: 02/14/1680 Abingdon Parish, Gloucester Cty, VA (The Chickoyackes Tribe lived in the area in the late 1600s). D: 02/27/1734 White Oak River, Onslaw Cty, NC M:1) Joyce Cleave 1679-1731 M:2) 1701 Prudence Lide in Glpicester. VA B: 03/18/1683 D: 06/09/1738. 1704 List of Tithes in Abingdon Parish, Gloucester County, Va. John Mixon 400 acres (Virginia Magazine of History, Vol.33,Pg.342). Public record office, Colonial office papers, S.C. (006/398): Land Grant to John Mixon 150 acres, Craven Co. August 8,1753. Genealogical Abstract of Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Vol.1 Wotten register, February 2, 1658, Ellen Mixon, wife of John Mixson I, witnesses Will of John Taylor at Walton-Upon-Thames.
1~Michael Micah Mixon 1699-1774
2~Samuel Mixon 1699-1770
3~Robert Mixon 1699-
4~Sabrah Mixon 1701–1724
5~Sarah Mixon 1702–1724
6~George Mixon B: 1702 Abingdon Parish, Gloucester Cty, VA D: 1779 M: Elizabeth Mixson
1~Martha Mixon 1730- M: ~Gurganus 1720
2~Salathiel Mixon 1732-1782 M: Colonial Records of North Carolina. It states that Salathiel Mixon is awarded the sum of 5 pounds by the Committee on Public Claims for returning to this Province (North Carolina) from the French and Indian Wars, Sep 7, 1759, at Ft. Duquesne. Note: This was the second battle of Ft. Duquesne, 1758. Having fought in the Cherokee War under Col. George Gabriel Powell.
3~Elijah Mixon 1740-1817 M1: Gaylord M2: Naomi Condre 1747-1779
1~Hannah Mixon 1767- M: William Windley
2~George Mixon 1770-1811
3~Elizabeth Mixon 1772- M: Joseph Gautier
4~John Mixon 1773-1809
5~Elijah Dixon Mixon Jr 1775--1809 M: Lucretia Price 1775-1812
1~Lavina Mixon 1803-
2~William Mixon B: 1806 NC D: 1880 AL M: 1828 Julia Harris 1808-1894. He was a farmer, a blacksmith and a wagon maker.
1~Mary L Mixon 1829-1852, died in child birth M: 1848 Peyton C Edge 1831-1890
1~Nancy Ann Elizabeth Edge 1850-1945 M: 1872 Joseph Cantsel Cotter 1853-1905
2~Nancy Lucretia Mixson 1832-1914 AL M: George W Hayes 1831-1907
3~William Cicero Mixson 1834-1917 M: Martha Elizabeth Law 1846-1902
1~William "Billy" Thomas Mixson 1862-1905 M: Coral Fuller 1876-1951
2~James Madison Mixson 1863-1932M: Florence Amanda McKinnon 1870-1963
3~Harmon Wallace Mixson 1866-1925 M: Missouri Snellgrove 1871-1932
4~David Marion Mixson 1867-1955 M: 1882 Ada Lillian Hildreth 1876-1946
5~Joseph Isaiah Mixson 1869-1937 M: Lorena McKinnon 1875-1962
6~Charles Andrew Mixson 1871-1942 M: Arabelle Singletary 1876-1956
7~Augustus Mitchell Mixson 1873-1960 M: Ella DuBose 1871-1956 carpenter
8~Millard Franklin Mixson 1875-1937
9~Walker Lee Mixson 1877-1958 M: Vassie Lenora Clemmons 1890-1977
10~Henrietta Mixson 1881-1882
11~Howard Payne Mixson 1883-1918 M: 1914 Leonora Jane Stanley 1890-1963
12~Lula Law Mixson 1886-1970 M: Marvin Cook Carroll 1884-1938
4~Brazillo Harris Mixson 1835-1914 M1: Narcipa Malinda Stokes 1843-1882 M2: Mariah S Harper 1838-. Planter, Confederate Soldier, member of Company "H", 53rd. Alabama Infantry Planter, Confederate Soldier, member of Company "H", 53rd. Alabama Infantry
1~Victoria Caroline Mixson 1860–1940 M: 1882 Henry M Tullis1862-1928
2~John Wesley Mixson 1862-1896 AL M: 1894 Frances Roberta Peterson 1878-1962
3~Columbus America Mixon 1866–1927 M: 1891 Lillie Hall Seay 1873-1923
4~Adella "Della" Mixon 1866–1937 M: 1903 Mathey Gordon Bowdoin 1882-1937
5~Arrabella Mixson 1868-1960 AL M: Bryant W Smith 1867-1930
6~William Bascom Mixon 1871-1927 M: 1889 Nancy Florence Bowdoin 1871-1953
7~Alice Mixson 1875-1932 M: 1892 James Edmund Bowdoin 1872-1925
8~Roscoe Winston Mixon 1876-1946 M: 1900 Mary Matilda Calendonia Harper 1880-1938
9~Benjamin Franklin Mixson 1878-1953 TX M: Clara Clifford Henderson 1890-1948
10~Daisey Mixson 1881-1959 M: 1898 Mancil Casey 1878-1948
5~Elizabeth Jane Mixson 1837-1903 M: Joshua Dock Lee 1833-1888
6~Margaret Carolyn Mixson 1838-1858, Old Tabernacle Cemetery, New Brockton, AL
7~Sgt. Henry Josephus Mixson 1839-1930 M1:1866 Matilda J. Snellgrove 1841–1871 M2: 1903 Dixie Annah Wilkes 1866–1953. Planter, Confederate Soldier 54th Alabama Infantry Regt., CSA Enlisted 1861; captured at Island No. 10, imprisoned at Camp Douglas until 1862, exchanged.
8~Winifred Ellen Mixson1841-1895 M: 1857 James Anthony DuPree 1839-1916
9~Helen Price Mixson B: 1842 in Monroe County, G D: 1909, in Coffee County, AL M1: 1859 John E Lee 1839-1862 M2: Jonathan Green Metcalf 1846-1900
10~John Elijah Mixson1844-1914 M: 1868 Elmira Cole 1847-1924. He was a Confederate Soldier, member of Company "H", 53rd Alabama Cavalry
11~Julia Sophia Mixson 1845-1874 M: William James Snellgrove 1844-1902
12~Francis Marion Mixson 1847-1930 M: Margaret Sarah Law 1853-1941
13~Missouri Victoria Mixson 1849-
6~Henry Mixon 1780- M: Lavina~ His father willed to him all his real estate and personal property less the dower interests belonging to his wife. The lands on north side of the river were sold by 1830 and a new purchase was made on south side of the Pamlico River not far from Zedekiah Mixon. Henry is mentioned several times in Court Minutes as a juror and once or twice as an administrator.
4~Zedekiah Mixon 1752-1811 He was a Revolutionary Soldier, member of the Continental Line. M:
1~James Mixon 1776-
2~Rosetta Mixon 1778- M: ~Davidson
3~Micajah Mixon 1780-
4~Lydia Elizabeth Mixon 1782-1837 M: Zadoc Ives
1~Elijah William Ives 1820-1906
5~Nancy Mixon 1789- M: ~Pennington
6~Sarah Mixon 1790- M: James Clayton
7~Zedekiah Mixon Jr 1794-
8~Elijah Mixon 1795-1873
9~Jesse Mixon 1797-
10~Joanna Mixon 1801-1837 M: 1835 Asa Oneal
7~Elizabeth Mixon 1702–1779
8~Jeremiah Mixon 1705–1783
9~William Mixon III B: 1705 Abingdon Parish, Gloucester Cty, VA. D: 01/13/1783 Craven Cty, SC. M: 1734 Frances Bryan 1715-1748
1~Prudence Mixon B: 1736 Hyde Cty, NC D: 1768 M: James Ratcliff 1728-1782
2~John C. Mixon B: 1738 D: 1750
3~Elizabeth Mixon B: 1740 D: 1760
4~Frances Mixon B: 1742 D: 1760
5~Michael Mixon I (see below) B: 1744 D: 1816 M: Catherine Berry 1745-1794. Farmer and was a Revolutionary War Soldier.
1~Michael Mixon II B: 1765 D:
2~Robert Fulton Mixon B: 12/17/1770, Beaufort Dist. SC D: 1848
3~Redden Mixon 1773-1820 M: Amelia 1775-
4~Abraham (Abram) Mixon B: 1774 SC. D: 1850
5~James Mansel Mixon B: 1782 SC D: 1858 Irwin Cty, GA M:1) Mary Johns, daughter of Jacob Johns and Patience. M:2) 02/01/1827 Celice Mc Anally in Irwin Cty, GA.
6~William Martin Mixon B: 1790 SC D: 1858 GA
7~Nancy Mixon B: 1811 Beaufort Dist. SC D: 1915 GA M: John Sutton 1832-1905
6~Sabrath Mixon B: 1746 D: 1783
7~George Mixon B: 1748 Craven Cty, NC D: 1810 M: 1763 Elizabeth Eborn 1751-1820
1~Philadelphia Mixon 1765-1837
2~Adriel George Mixon 1777-1859 LA M: 1829 Rhoda Holly
1~Son Mixon 1795–1800
2~Daughter Mixon 1797–1800
3~Daughter Mixon 1799–1805
4~George W.H. Mixon 1808–1870
5~Daughter Mixon 1805–1825
6~Michael Croker Mixon 1811–1865
7~Adriel P. Mixon Jr 1825–1925
3~Daughter Mixson 1784-
4~Sarah Mixon 1784–1866
5~Daughter Mixson 1786-
6~Obediah Flemming Mixon 1787-1832
7~Michael Mixon 1790-1860
8~Daughter Mixon 1794-
9~Benjamin Hadad Mixon 1797–1858
8~Elijah Dixon Mixon B: 1750 D:
10~John Mixon IV B: 1719 Pasquotank Precinct, NC D: 03/1796 M1): 1737 Mary Elizabeth Russell 1723-1739 M2): Joyce~ 1720-1800. John served in the Cherokee War under Col. George Gabriel Powell in 1759-60. He received a grant of another 150 acres in Craven County on May 14, 1771.
1~John Cornelius Mixson Jr. B: 1738 D: 11/05/1809 M: 1763 Mabel~ 1743-1800. Served in the Cherokee War under Col. George Gabriel Powell whose men were mainly from Cheraw and Georgetown Districts of old Craven County.
1~John C Mixson Jr 1765–1836
2~Reuben Mixon 1770–1820
2~William Micha Mixon B: 1742 D: 1805 SC M1: Abigail Frances Lydia Williamson 1742–1805 M2: Mary Russell 1742-1830
1~Susannah Mixon 1765–1875 M: 1780 John Jacob Chambers 1760-1821
M2: John Cox 1752-1818 SC
1~Thamey Coxe 1784-1860
2~Eli E. Cox 1789-1868
3~Rebecca Ann Coxe Miles 1795-1861
2~Meredith Mixon 1765-1830
3~Jehu Mixon 1767–1831 M: 1788 Pheriby Belk 1779-1868
1~Joel Mixon 1796-1859
2~Jehu Mixon Jr 1798-1881
3~Margaret (Mixon) Scarborough 1800-1879
4~Phereby (Mixon) Harris 1809-1899
5~Christopher Columbus Mixon 1814-1874
6~Milberry Wilbert Mixon 1814-1874
7~R. Mixon 1822-1866
4~Anna Mixon 1769–1875 M: 1792 Jeremiah Belk 1768-1848
1~Abijah Belk 1794-1872 M: 1812 Mary Roberson 1793-1862
5~Frances Mixon 1771–1865 M: Trwitt
6~William Mixon 1773–1860 M: 1785 Christena Best 1765-
7~Elizabeth Mixon
8~Mary 'Polly' Mixon M: Perkins
3~Jesse Jehu Mixon B: 1744 SC D: 1832 M1: 1763 Mabel Catherine 1743-1788 M2: 1791 Elizabeth Harrison 1760-1830. He was a soldier in the Revolutionary War in SC, serving in Captain Robert Lide's Company of Volunteers, which was organized on October 5, 1775; he received a small land grant in 1785 in Beaufort District, SC, located on Matthews Bluff, near the Savannah River. Jessee trained race horses.
1~Redden Mixon 1770-1809 M: 1790 Mary Amelia 1771-1853
1~Mary Mixon 1793-1868 M: John Banner Thomas 1785-1865
1~Nancy Thomas Waldron 1811–1892
2~John Banner Thomas Jr 1813–1875
3~Joseph Thomas B: 1815 D: 1859 M: Rhoda Ann Waldron 1820-1909
4~Letitia Thomas Dowling 1817–1880
5~Bathsheba Thomas Guy 1819–1880
6~Sgt Edmund Thomas 1820–1862
7~Edmund Thomas 1820–1862
8~Sarah Dora Thomas Cason 1823–1890
9~Pvt. Lewis Jackson Thomas 1829–1862
10~Matilda Thomas Jordan 1831–1881
2~Elizabeth Mixon B: 1795 D: 1860 M: 1809 Lewis Thomas B: 1789 SC D: 1860 GA. Son of James R. Thomas and Sarah Banner.
1~Redden Thomas B: 1810 D: 1880 M: 1836 Mary Susannah Cason 1819-1870
1~John Thomas 1838–1850
2~Rachel Thomas 1840–1919
3~Elias David Thomas 1842–1912
4~Nancy Thomas 1843–1860
5~Willoughby Ranson Thomas 1846–1860
6~Pernell Thomas 1848–1860
7~Catherine "Kate" Thomas 1851–1929
8~Emeline Thomas 1856–1860
9~Son Thomas 1860-
2~James Ransom Thomas, Sr. B: 1811 D: 1884 M: Martha Leggett 1831-1918. Military Service: Capt, James Sweat's Co. during the Indian Wars of 1838.
1~James Strickland Thomas 1844-1920 M: Nancy R Baxter 1841-1910
2~James Ransom Thomas Jr 1849–1929
3~Jacob Thomas 1851–1881
4~Lewis Thomas 1853–1890
5~Bryant Absalom Thomas 1854–1930
6~Ephraim Thomas 1858–1929
7~Elder Joseph Thomas 1865–1936
8~Daniel Nimrod Thomas 1867–1931
9~Isaac Henry Thomas 1869–1928
3~Amarintha Thomas B: 1822 D: 1890 M: 1851 William Edward Chancey 1823-1883
4~Martha Thomas B: 1822 D: 1863 M: 1840 David E. Cason 1812-1861
5~Sarah Thomas B: 1825 D: M: Thomas Dyal
6~Absalomb Thomas B: 1827 D: M: Elizabeth Walker
7~Lewis Thomas II B: 1830 D: 1893 M: 1851 Prussia Ann Eason B: 1835 D: 1919. Private Co. K 54th Regiment Georgia Infantry CSA Appling County.
1~George Earl Thomas 1853-
2~Susan Eliza A. Thomas Spence 1856-1934
3~Laban H. Thomas 1860-1934
4~Lewis Lafayette Thomas 1864-1913
5~Emmaline Thomas Rhoden 1866-1908
6~Martha Elizabeth Thomas Spence 1870-1927
7~Mary Clifton Thomas Hanchey 1872-1939
8~James R. Thomas 1873-1928
9~Cora Ann Thomas Cobb 1876-1914
10~Thomas Mitchell Thomas 1881-1937
8~Banner Thomas 1833-1885 M: Mary Walker 1837-1897
1~James Mitchell Thomas 1854-1908
2~Levicy Ann Thomas Gruber 1860-1906
3~General Jackson "Gj" Thomas 1862-1926
4~Mary Ethel Thomas Pittman 1865-1899
5~Joseph Henry Thomas Sr 1867-1935
6~Esther Mary Thomas Holland 1869-1930
7~Julia Thomas Bennett 1872-
8~Nancy L. "Nan" Thomas Colson 1874-1920
9~John Reppard Thomas 1876–1949
9~Elizabeth Thomas B: 1835 D: M: Martin Nettles Jr.
10~James A Thomas 1846-1901
1~Early P. Thomas 1873-1920
2~Leila Thomas 1875-1880
3~Woodford Thomas 1880-1880
3~Amelia Mixon 1800-1884 M: George Washington Davis 1800-1857
1~Pvt.James L. Davis 1829-1863
2~Joseph Benjamin Davis 1829-1906
3~Benjamin Colson Davis 1835-1884
4~Kesiah "Kezzie" Davis Allen 1840-1904
5~Allen Marion Davis 1843-1901
2~Elijah Mixson 1774-1820
3~William P. Mixson 1775-1843 M: Mary Eleanor Joyce 1780-1830
4~Vincent/Vinson Mixson 1778-1843 M:
1~Nancy Angnes Mixson 1806-1870 M1: James Madison Gill M2: James Archibald Gill 1844-1933 SC
5~Jesse Mixson, Jr. 1780- M1: Sarah Fletcher, M2: 1801 Sarah Bowen 1780- M3: 1788 Elizabeth Harrison Cook 1770-1830
01~Cornelius Lofton Mixon 1793-1846 M: Sarah Kirkland 1791-1870 MS
02~Pvt. John Jehu Mixon 1792-1855 M: 1822 Rebecca Marion Slade 1807-1901. He migrated to MS Territory with his parents about 1810 and was one of the signers of a Petition to Congress asking for statehood for MS under date of Dec. 27, 1811. He was a soldier in the War of 1812, being with the 13th MS Regiment commanded by Col. George H. Nixon. He volunteered to take the place of his older brother, Cornelius, who had a large family.
03~Rachel Mixon 1794-1837 M: 1816 Thomas Applewhite 1790-1864
04~Mary Polly Mixon 1796-1860 M1: Samuel Miles 1796-1859 M2: Powell
05~Amelia Mixon 1800-1844 M: George W Davis 1800-1857
4~Cornelius Mixon 1747-1781 M
5~Abraham Mixon B: 1749 D: 1820 M:
1~Robert Fulton Mixon 1770-1848
6~Samuel Radford Mixon 1750-1821 M: 1775 Keziah Smith 1750-1781
7~Frances Ann Mixon 1752-1815 M: 1768 John Oliver Neville 1744-1804
8~Robert Mixon 1754-1817
9~Meridith Mixon 1765-1829 M: 1793 Sena~ 1770-
10~William Mixon 1769-1837
11~Jesse Mixon 1790- M: Catherine Mixon 1810-
11~Robert Mixon 1720-1770 M: 06/01/1729 Joyce Cleve Phillips
12~Samuel Mixon 1726-1817 M: Mary Bird 1715-1769
1~Mary Mixon 1746-1778 M: 1759 John Joshua Dial 1746-1778
1~Aaron Doyle Dyal Dial 1765–1856
2~Keziah Dial 1768-1829
3~Thomas Dial 1770-1860
4~Peter Dial 1776–1842
2~Pvt. William Mixon I B: 10/11/1683 Abingdon Parish, Gloucester Cty, VA D: 1739 M: 1726 Elizabeth~ 1685-
1~Michael Mixon 1727-1800 M: Sarah Britton 1728-
1~John D Mixon 1750-1806 M: Nancy Goodwin 1764-1806
2~Robert Mixon 1729-
3~Mathew Mixon B: 11/30/1685 Abingdon Parish, Gloucester Cty, VA D: 1775, remained in Gloucester County, Va., inherited the lands and other property.
4~Mary Mixon B: 07/10/1687 Abingdon Parish, Gloucester Cty, VA D: 1781
5~Jane Mixon B: 10/01/1693 Abingdon Parish, Gloucester Cty, VA D: 1787
2~William Maxon/Mixon B: 1660 Burneston, North Yorkshire, UK D: M: 1681 Elizabeth Stewart 1666-
1~Anthony Maxon B; 02/14/1685 D:
2~William Moxon 1694- M: 1716 Susanna Perkins 1694-1722
3~Elizabeth Maxon B: 03/28/1696 D:
All descendants of George Mixon (Mixson) of Beaufort County, North Carolina, and all descendants of his two brothers, William Mixson, Kershaw County, SC , and John Mixson of Darlington District, South Carolina (and of his son, Micah Mixon, Darlington District, SC ) are eligible to become members of the SAR or of the DAR, as the case might be, also could qualify for a grant of Arms from the College of Arms in London.
5~Michael Mixon B: 1744 NC D: 1794 NC, son of William & Frances Mixon. M: 1763 Catherine Mixon B: 1745 Hyde, NC D: 1794 NC A Revolutionary soldier, received a land grant for 106 acres in 1798 located on Whippy Swamp, Salkahatchee River. Whippy Swamp Cross Roads was in Beaufort District before Hampton County was created in 1878. Near where U.S. Highway 601 crosses the Salkehatchie River in Hampton County lies the community of Crockettvil1e.
1~Michael Mixon B: 1765 Virginia D: M: 11/11/1824 Nancy Stout B:1800 D:
1~Nancy Mixon 1820-1849
2~John Mixon B; 1766.D: M: Mary Elizabeth Joyce B: 1773 Pasquotank, NC D: SC
3~Robert Fulton Mixon B: 12/17/1770 SC D: 1848 M: 1789 Dorothy Nancy Gatch 1769-
1~Mary E Mixson 1794–1875
2~Sarah Mixson 1790-
3~Frances Mixson 1800–1850
4~Michael Mixson 1810–1812
4~Redden Mixon B: 1773 D: 1820 Liberty Cty, Georgia M: Amelia; B: 1775 D: He won land lots in the 1805 Georgia Land Lottery.
5~Abraham Abram Mixson, farmer B: 1774 SC D: 1850 Jackson Cty, Mississippi M: 1800 Elizabeth Joyce B:1776 D: 1850apx, daughter of William Joyce. Three land grants were given him in 1818, totaling 538 acres.
1~Mary Mixon 1802-1860 M: 1826 Lewis Gill 1792-1871
2~Malakiah Mixon B: 1805 SC D: 1850 MS M: 01/26/1826 Mary Elizabeth Harrison in MS B: 1810 SC D: 1880 MS
1~Daughter Mixon B: 1826
2~Abraham Mixon B: 1827 D: 07/1864 Battle Of Atlanta, CSA M: 1844 Lucy Parker B: 08/21/1821 D: 10/19/1900. Lived in Jackson Cty, MS. A member of Company "A", 3rd MS Inf.
3~James Joyce Mixon B: 11/22/1828 D: 1913
4~Almeda S Mixon 1832-
5~Nowell/Nouel Mixon B: 1834 D:
3~Eliza Mixon 1810-1880 M: 1826 Lancelot Johnson 1794-1860
4~Henry Joyce Mixon B: 1815 GA D: 1870 M: 1839 Cynthia Mixon 1816-
1~Matilda E Mixon B: 1840 Lawrence Cty, MS
2~Andrew Mixon B: 1842 Lawrence Cty, MS
3~Malachi Mixon B: 1846 Lawrence Cty, MS D: 1940 M1: Barbara A M2: Angeline Grizie 1870-
4~Thomas Jefferson Mixon B: 1848 Lawrence Cty, MS D: 10/29/1898 Tanjipahoe Parish, LA M: 1870 Louisa~
5~James Abraham Mixon B: 1852 Lawrence Cty, MS D:1909 M: 1874 Piety Caroline Ricks
6~Benton Mixon B: 1854 St. Martins Parish, LA D:
7~Mastin Mixon B: 10/29/1856 St. Martins Parish, LA D: 03/03/1912 Graham Cemetery, Kentwood, LA M: Cordelia Graham B: 1875 LA D: 01/1855 Graham Cemetery, Kentwood, LA
8~Hezekiah Mixon B: 03/09/1858 St. Martins Parish, LA D: 12/27/1931
6~James M. Mixon farmer B: 1782 SC D: 1858 Mixon Family Cemetery, Abbeville, GA. M:1) 1816 Mary Johns B: 1800 SC D: 1826 M:2) 02/01/1827 Celice McAnally B: 1816 D: 1860. A farmer and a Veteran of the War of 1812.
1~Sarah Mixon B: 1818 D: M: 01/26/1840 Thomas M. Jenkins
2~Cynthia Mixon B: 02/01/1822 D: 04/27/1903 Mixon Ferry Cemetery M: 04/13/1851 Elijah Akins B: D: 1858
3~Martha Mixon B: 1824 D: 1902 M: 07/31/1855 Silas Covington 1805-1858 Taylor Cemetery, Turner County, GA.
4~Abraham R. Mixon B: 1824 D: 1912 Clinch Cty, buried in Victory Methodist Church Cemetery Manor,, GA. M: 12/27/1852 Nancy Parker B: 1828 D: M:2) 07/16/1874 Sarah Griffin 1842-1916
1~John William Mixon 1852–1928 Mount Olive Primitive Baptist Church Cemeter, Manor, Ware County, GA. M: Elizabeth Ellen Henderson 1863–1952
1~Georgia M Mixon 1882–1959 M: 1904 James L House 1870-1954
1~Liscar L House 1906–1907
2~Geneva House Hall 1907–1985
3~Ernest Orville House 1909–1997
4~Vena Bell House Barber 1912–1990
5~Jeremiah House 1914–1976
6~Eric B House 1922–1974
2~Nancy Mixon 1884–1933 Never Married
3~Martha Mixon 1885–1941 M: James Randle Beverly 1881–1943
4~Steve James Mixon 1887-1987 M: Leah Truett Mixon 1896–1973
1~Delmas Edward Mixon 1915–1987 M: Hazel Ozella Collins 1919–2008. WW II Private US Army June 16, 1937 to October 18, 1938.
1~Donald Wayne Mixon Sr 1940–2018
2~Glenn Edward Mixon 1944–2010
2~Eugene Scott Mixon 1918–2001 M: Mildred O Thornton 1919– 2002
1~Glenda Mixon Cameron 1943–2017
2~Darwin Brantley Mixon 1953–2021
5~John Abram Mixon 1891-1977 US Navy WWI
6~Perry Allen Mixon 1893–1925 M: Mary Missouri Thomas 1895–1982
1~Allen Perry Mixon 1924-1979
7~Mazie Arizona Mixon 1899-1936 M: Banner Lawrence Strickland 1876–1946
8~Duncan Carmichael Mixon 1902–1988 M: Bulah Mae Davis 1905–1937
1~James Edward Mixon 1927–1928
2~Joseph Lawton Mixon 1929–2011 M: Mildred Jones 1930-2002
1~Joseph Lawton Mixon Jr 1952–2020
2~Sandy Mixon
3~Ricky Mixon
4~Randy Mixon
3~Evelyn Mixon Chancey
9~Martin Lewis Mixon 1904–1985 M: 1929 Betty Robinson Mixon 1911–1990
1~John Wilmer Mixon 1921-1985 M:
2~Doris Elizabeth Mixon 1930-2007 M: Daniel Linus Houser 1901–1986
3~Mildred Mixon 1935-1997 M1: ~Howard M2: ~Dewberry
4~Ellis Mixon 1943- M: Dorothy Louise Trowell 1943–2002
5~Perry Allen Mixon 1948–1977 M: SGT US Army Vietman
2~Mary Elizabeth Mixon 1858–1937 M: James R Hall 1859-1929
1~Edward Cary Hall 1890-1939
5~John Llewellyn Mixon B: 1825 Appling Cty, GA D: 11/23/1909 M:1) 4/02/1848 Nancy Gibbs B: 1831 D: 09/20/1892 M:2) Nancy Jane Brown Mims B: 1853 D: 08/17/1931 Ocilla, GA, daughter of John Mims of Dooley Cty. John was a farmer & extensive planter and landowner in Irwin County. A private in Company B, 13th Batt, Ga. Inf., July 24, 1662. Transferred to Co. B, 36 Regiment Ga. Inf., December 1862. Captured at Whitmarsh Island, Ga. February 22, 1864. Send to Hilon Head, SC, and then to Fort Columbus, NY Harbor. On February 27, 1864, to Fort Delaware, Delaware, March 8, 1864. Exchanged on September 18, 1864.
6~Josiah George Mixon see below line
7~Jeremiah Mixon B: 1833 GA D:
8~Mary Mixon B: 1835 D: Never married
9~Stephen Mixon B: 1838 GA D:
7~William Martin Mixon 1790–1858
6~Josiah George Mixon B: 06/11/1830 D: 05/30/1908 Mixon Ferry Cemetery M: 1856 Elizabeth Lucreasy Horton B: 02/01/1837 D: 09/18/1911 Josiah Mixon Cemetery: Started by Josiah G. Mixon, near the Suwannee River about 1865, in Clinch County near his farm, nder several large Oak Tree which still stand, on land he homesteaded in 1852, next to the Suwannee River, in the Okefenokee Swamp. First burial believed to be his Aunt Martha who had come to help his wife with their children and stayed on due in part to the War between the States starting, and Josiah being away fighting for the CSA. Joined as a private 6 Oct 1862 at Columbus, GA, 9th Florida Infantry, Company D, CSA . Entry has an unlocked cable across it at the highway; entry road is dirt and is just outside the Main entrance to the Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge, on Georgia Highway #177.
1~James W. Mixon B: 1858 D: 05/1876 Mixon Ferry Cemetery, GA
2~Elizabeth Mixon B: 02/10/1861 D: 06/09/1939 M: Samuel Pompey Griffis B: 02/15/1854 D: 01/26/1917 Mixon Ferry Cemetery
1~Jessie Susan Griffis B: 07/03/1881 D: 10/10/1958 M: Thomas Hilton Cook B: 10/03/1871 D: 02/09/1944
2~Sarah Lucretia Griffis B: 04/02/1884 D: 03/03/1935 M: James Ransom Steedley B: 01/25/1878 D: 01/18/1934
3~Mary Elizabeth Griffis B: 07/22/1889 D: 10/07/1931 M: Cornelius Graddy B: 11/25/1897 D: 12/26/1939
4~James Archie Griffis B: 02/12/1892 D: 03/30/1981 M: Dollie Belle Williams B: 10/09/1904 D: 03/01/1984
5~Lemuel Griffis B: 06/04/1896 D: 06/24/1968 M: Alice Howell B: 10/12/1912 D: 11/04/1995
6~Martha Mizell Griffis B: 08/17/1899 D: 05/18/1977 M: Lawrence Carver B:04/08/1892 D: 02/19/1974
3~Nancy Ann Mixon B: 11/20/1864 D: 10/06/1942 Mixon Ferry Cemetery, GA M: James Daniel Drawdy B: 1866 D: 03/20/1929
1~Carrie Lee Drawdy 1887-1956
2~Leonard Wroland Drawdy 1889-1960
3~James Archie Drawdy 1892-1953
4~Josiah Sayer Drawdy 1896-1949
5~Bertha Leona Drawdy 1898-
6~Norman Drawdy 1903-1937
7~Annie Belle Drawdy 1905-
8~Florence Frances Drawdy 1907-1973
9~Creasy Drawdy 1911-
4~Joseph (Joe) Sia Mixon B: 11/18/1868 D: 10/01/1947 Waresboro Cemetery, GA M: 1891 Louise Booth B: 12/01/1874 GA D: 04/10/1964 Waresboro Cemetery, GA.
1~Mollie Mattie Josephine Mixon B: 03/04/1892 D: 01/31/1980 Kettle Creek Cemetery M:1) Cleveland Robert Sowell 1885-1932 M:2) McConnell M:3) Rev Thomas Moses Lee 1886-1979
1~Elia Robert Sowell 1908-1973
2~PFC Joseph P Sowell 1915-1993
3~Leonard Arthur Sowell B: 1919 D: 1969
2~Jessie Enoch Mixon B: 11/22/1893 D: 05/04/1964 M: Hazel Pearl Wilson B: 05/25/1911 D: 02/08/2000
Jessie Enoch Mixon-right
1~Lois Marie Mixon 1926-2015 M: Frank Gibson 1926-1994
2~Dorothy Louise Mixon 1928-2000 M: Daniel Melvin Corbitt 1921-2002
3~Charles Edward Mixon 1933-2005 A1C US Air Force, Korea M: Marie Florence Dunn 1935-2009
4~Atlas Audrey Jean Mixon 1935-2020 M: Willie Lee Wyatt Jr 1931-2006
1~Billy Gene Wyatt
2~Larry Wayne Wyatt
5~Jesse Norman Mixon B: 07/25/1937 D: 03/25/1940
6~David Dale Mixon B: 05/06/1941 D: 2015 M: Linda Gail Sutton B: 09/03/1946 D:
7~Donnie Patricia Mixon B: 02/22/1944 D: 1985 M: 01/2/1962 Larry Benton 1940-2018
8~Billy Joe Mixon B: 03/17/1946 D: 08/14/1985
9~Irma Lee Mixon B: 03/07/1948 D: 04/17/1950
3~Issac Harley Mixon B: 11/16/1897 D: 06/01/1975 M: Eva Bourn B: 07/21/1896 D: 12/15/1986
1~Bruce Mixon B: 03/11/1919 D: 03/04/2005
2~Hazel Mixon B: 06/12/1921 D: 05/13/2010
3~Emory Jack Mixon B: 09/11/1927 D: 03/01/2013 M: Louise Whitaker B: 12/08/1926 D: 12/1995 M2: Carolyn Gillard 1938-2014
1~Julia Catherine Mixon 1960–2018 M: Kenneth Cox 1955-
4~Ruby Mixon B: D: M1: Davis Thronton M2: Ocee Denham
1~AnnaDean Thornton
2~Donald Thornton
5~Exley Clanton Mixon B: 04/13/1900 D: 02/17/1985 M: Atlas Lynette Lightsey, daughter of Lemuel Lightsey & Mamie Alice Floyd B: 10/05/1905 D: 04/19/1983 Waycross, GA Kettle Creek Cemetery.
Atlas Lynette Lightsy & Exley Clanton Mixon: Waycross home: Aug 1970
1~Exley Clanton Mixon II B: 05/28/1925 D: 02/01/2024 M: Alma Marie Droll B: 01/27/1929 D: 06/23/2016 TX, d/o Louis A. and Odelia Droll. S/Sgt. Exley C Mixon II, was assigned to the 459th BG 756th Squadron Military Occupational Specialty (MOS): Tail Gunner. WWII and Vietnam War veteran, as well as being the recipient of a Bronze Star and Legion of Merit, Col US Air Force.
Exley Clanton Mixon II
1~Exley Clanton Mixon III B: 06/06/1954 D: M:
1~Exley Clanton Mixon IV B: 07/16/1988 Los Gatos, CA D: 09/10/2016 Sedro Woolley WA, of leptomeningeal carcinomatosis
2~Joann Mixon M: Charles Ahlswede
3~Suzanne Faye Mixon M: Terence Robert Moore
1~Erin Elizabeth Moore M: Gurdian
2~Tara Ann Moore
3~Robert Moore
4~Gerald Louis Mixon
5~Timothy Michael Mixon
6~Dennis E Mixon
2~Gerald Lemuel Mixon B: 03/07/1929 Chattahoochee, FL D: 06/28/2008 Temple Tx. Buried Killeen Texas, Central Texas State Veterans Cemetery. He had been residing in Georgetown, Williamson County, Texas.
1966 Eve and Jerry at Bimbos 365 Club, SF
3~Shirley Robert Mixon B: 10/12/1935 D:
Shirley in Sunnyvale, CA 1969
4~Glenda Theresa Mixon B: 1938 D: M: Everette Alaxander
5~Stella Mixon B: 1906 D: M:
6~Lley Mixon B: 1909 D: M: Doris~
7~James Roscoe Mixon B: 11/25/1913 D: 01/20/1988 M: Elvie Bailey B:02/14/1924 D: 06/06/1990. He was a retired Waresboro farmer and attended Pine Valley Methodist Church. A native of Ware County.
1~John Roscoe Mixon
8~William Mixon
9~Beatrice Mixon M: Norman Lanham
101~Hoke Mixon
5~John M. Mixon B: 02/1872 D: 06/22/1917 Mixon Ferry Cemetery, GA M: Lucinda Elizabeth Steedley B: 1882 D: 1942
Family of John M. Mixon & Lucinda Elizabeth Steedley-Mixon
1~James Mixon B: 06/01/1899 D: 03/06/1972 Victory Methodist Church Cemetery, GA M: Gurtha Arilla Steedly B: 10/22/1907 D: 02/08/1966 Booth Cemetery, Manor, GA.
1~James Ivey Mixon 1923–1968 M: Marie Corbett 1928-1998
1~Frances Mixon 1950-2024
2~Mary Ruth 'Peggy' Mixon 1926–1993 M: Leonard Foster White 1915-1979
3~S. Alton Mixon 1928–1984 M: Jessie Marie Thompson 1933-2011
4~William Joel Mixon 1931–1991 M: Mary S 1937-
5~Jimmy M. Mixon 1937–1974 M: Lena Deloris Taylor 1942-2023
2~Charlie Mixon B: 05/02/1900 D: 02/11/1986 Oak Hill Burial Park, FL M: Stella Leggette B: 08/30/1909 D: 12/1995 Oak Hill Burial Park, Lakeland, FL
1~Virginia "Dovie" Mixon Lanier 1932–2013
2~Rachel Mixon Hiott 1938–1994
3~Earley "Bud" Mixon 1942–2019
4~John C. Mixon 1945–2015
3~Seaborne (Seab) M. Mixon B: 07/05/1903 GA D: 06/09/1982 Bethlehem Cemetery, GA M: Corean Lee B: 05/16/1919 D: 11/17/1978, daughter of Robert Harvey Lee (1894 - 1976) and Arizona Estelle Johns 1899 - 1959.
4~Josiah Mixon B: 01/06/1906 D: 03/1979 Sardis Cemetery, GA M: Irrie Crews B: 1907 D: 2000 Sardis Cemetery, Folkston, GA.
1~James S. Mixon B: 10/22/1932 D: 09/21/1994 Sardis Cemetery Folkston, Charlton County, GA US Army
2~Johnny Boy Mixon 1935-1937 Sardis Cemetery Folkston, Charlton County, G
3~Jewell Opal Mixon-Wells 1942-2021
1~Deeanna Mixon-Gillespie
2~Robert Mixon Jr.
3~Julie Mixon-Bargeron
4~Judith Mixon-Brown
5~Elizabeth Lucretia Mixon B: 08/31/1907 D: 06/21/1984 Edgewood Cemetery, Jacksonville, FL. M: Vernie E. Thornton B: 02/27/1914 D: 05/03/1961 Edgewood Cemetery, Jacksonville, FL.
1~Virginia Ann Thrift Anthony 1929–2005 M: 1945 Donald Ray Poarch Sr 1921-2008
6~Sara Jane Mixon B: 05/06/1909 D: 02/19/1967 M: Leonard Thrift B: 01/18/1912 D: 06/25/1990 Piney Grove Church Cemetery, Needham, GA
1~Lula Bell Thrift 1946-2012 M: George Cecil Taylor
1~Janice Taylor
2~Stacy Leonard Taylor
2~Marcia Jean Thrift 1959-
1~Jeffery James Thrift 1981-2020
2~Mandy Thrift Matranga
3~Travis Todd Thrift
3~William Bradford Thrift 1964-2006 M: Rose Marie Moore
7~Mae Bell (Mable) Mixon B: 03/16/1911 D: 10/09/1981 M: Clarence W. Drawdy B: 05/01/1917 D: 09/24/1999 Palmetto Cemetery, Brunswick, GA
7~William Mixon B: 1788apx
8~Martin Mixon B: 1790 SC D: 08/31/1853 GA M: 1830 Elizabeth Pierce M:2) 06/09/1835 Nancy Sutton
1~James M. Mixon B: 1833 D:
2~John H. Mixon B: 03/30/1836 GA D: 12/04/1911 GA M: 01/27/1866 Malinda Yawn B: 02/17/1849 GA D: 02/12/1920 GA, d/o Anthony Yawn Jr 1826-1855 & Sarah Smith-Jonier 1826-1921.
Nancy Mixon 1867-1944 M: 1882 William M Mixon 1855-1939
1~Minnie Mixson Balance 1887–1952
2~Mary Jane Mixon Moore 1900–1987
2~Sarah Mixon 1869-1934 M: Manning G Griffs 1856-1933
1~William M Griffis 1906-1976
3~ Mary I. Mixon 1871-1899 M: 1892 Thomas Jackson Wilds 1866-1933
4~Christopher Columbus Mixon 1882-1959 GA M: Clifton Minnie Varnedore 1883–1966
1~William Marvin Mixon 1905–1970
2~Ida Mae Mixon White 1910–1991
3~Estelle Mixon White 1914–1994
4~Dewey Mixon 1917–1981
5~James Christopher Mixon 1923–1991
6~Monteen Mixon 1928–1954
7~Roe Mixon 1932–2008
5~Traifphenia Susan Mixon 1879-1937 M: 1901 Thomas Jackson Wilds 1866-1933
6~William Riley Mixon B: 09/29/1880 GA D: 12/30/1958 M: 12/20/1903 Jemima Elefare Baker B: 10/11/1882 GA D: 07/18/1978 GA, daughter of George Washington Baker & Epsie Elizabeth Watson.
1~Lillian Mixon Bennett 1906–1979
2~Ernest Eugene Mixson 1909–1978
3~Leon Thomas Mixon 1912–1994
4~Nettie Lou Mixon Barfield 1914–2001
5~Julia Mixon 10/17/1917–2011 M: Wilbur Mobley Childs 1913-2002
1~Wilbur Mixon Childs 1940–2010
6~Julian William Mixon B: 10/17/1917 GA D: 09/24/1973 SF, CA. M: Joan Paulette Burnette 1922-2009, d/o Horace Clinton Burnette 1887-1967 & Renee Margeurite LeFur 1900-1971.
7~Frances Della Ann Mixon 1883-1937
8~David E Mixon 1888-1959 M: Pink Henderson 1893-1970
9~Thomas M. Mixon 1891-1951 M: Jane Morgan 1900-1989
3~Eliza Mixon B: 1839 D: 1927 M: David Smith 1841-1929
1~Hiram Joshua Smith 1864–1951
2~Simon P Smith 1879–1942
4~Mary Mixon B: 1841 D: 1927 M: Thomas W Pierce
5~William Mixon B: 1844 D: 1864 Fort Delaware Prison, New Castle, Delaware, SA
6~David Mixon B: 1846 D: 1889 M: Margaret Vickers 1866-1946
1~Jemima Elafare Mixon 1882-1978
7~Sallie Mixon B: 1849 D: young
8~Harriet Mixon B: 1856 D: 1933 GA
9~Martin Mixon B:
Elizabeth Lugreasy Horton B: 1837 D: 1911 & Josiah G. Mixon B: 06/11/1830 D: 05/30/1908
Wotten register, February 2, 1658, Ellen Mixon, wife of John Mixson witnesses Will of John Taylor at Walton-Upon-Thames
1704 List of Tithes in Abingdon Parish, Gloucester County, Va. John Mixon 400 acres (Virginia Magazine of History, Vol.33,Pg.342). Public record office, Colonial office papers, S.C. (006/398):
Land Grant to John Mixon 150 acres, Craven Co. August 8, 1753. Genealogical Abstract of Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Vol.1.
Facts: Gerald Lemuel Mixon
Born: March 7, 1929
Place of Birth: Chattahoochee, Florida
Death: June 28, 2008
Place of Death: Temple, Texas
Graveside services for Gerald L. Mixon, 79, of Temple will be held at 10:00 A.M. Monday July 7, 2008 at Central Texas State Veterans Cemetery in Killeen with U.S. Navy Honors. Mr. Mixon died June 28, 2008 at the Veterans Administration Hospice Center in Temple, Texas. Death resulted from complications brought on by a stroke two years previously. Survivors include two brothers Exley C. Mixon Jr. of Georgetown and Shirley R. Mixon of Marietta, Ga. and one sister Glenda Cason of St. Simons, Ga., and his three adopted children, Pamela, David and Charley Mixon.
Mr. Mixon was born in Chattahoochee, Florida to Exley C. Mixon Sr. and Atlas Lynette Lightsey Mixon. Gerald grew up on a farm near Waycross, worked in ship construction during World War II, then completed high School, then joined the Navy, serving on the US Frank Knox destroyer in the Japan/China far east area. After military service he attended Auburn University in Ga, (playing football), then moved to California where he worked in the electronics industry. After working for NASA he excelled as an engineer at Varian Associates in the area of high voltage pulsed energy, (radiation), machines. His department manufactured and serviced the radiation, X-ray, cancer treatment and other machines used by Hospitals throughout the US and other countries e.g. Japan and Australia. Eventually Gerald formed his own company, SHM, to do the same kind of work. He was known as one who had great stamina, drive and could get things done. His advice and expertise was sought by physicians in the Health field and others in like businesses. He was also involved with real estate, a large transformer company and a company rebuilding large transmitting tubes. He moved to Temple about two years ago. On a personal level with family members, friends and one in need, Gerald displayed a "heart of gold". He helped many people in many ways including money. It is sad that his last years were so unrewarding. He deserved much more. Gerald had no children of his own, but was married to Eve Shaw, 1964 -1973, where he legally adopted her three children, Pamela, David & Charley. .
Monday July 7, 2008, 10:00 A.M. at Central Texas State Veterans Cemetery
USS Frank Knox (DD-742)
1950s Gerald Lemuel Mixon US Navy FC3 US Navy Fire Control Seaman
USS Frank Knox (DD-742) was a Gearing-class destroyer in the U. S. Navy during WWII. She was named after Secretary of the Navy, Frank Knox. The Frank Knox was built at Bath, Maine. Commissioned in December 1944, she arrived in the western Pacific war zone in mid-June 1945, in time to participate in the final carrier air raids on the Japanese home islands as part of Task Force 38. During the Battle of Okinawa she acted as a picket destroyer giving early warnings of incoming air raids. She was present in Tokyo Bay when Japan formally surrendered on 2 September 1945 and remained in the Far East until early February 1946. The ship made additional deployments to the region during the later 1940s and was reclassified as a radar picket destroyer (DDR) in March 1949.
Trip to Japan with Varian
Healthcare Equipment and Supplies
SHM Nuclear Corporation
570 Del Ray
Sunnyvale, CA
I worked for SHM from 1970-1973. Every employee wore a radiation clip each day to be sure you did not pass the danger levels.
SHM Nuclear Corporation Patents
Automatic frequency control system for driving a linear accelerator 3965434. June 22, 1976 An automatic frequency control system is described for maintaining the drive frequency applied to a linear accelerator to produce maximum particle output from the accelerator. The particle output amplitude is measured and the frequency of the radio frequency source powering the linear accelerator is adjusted to maximize particle output amplitude. |
Inventors: Helgesson; Alan L. (Los Altos Hills, CA)
Assignee: SHM Nuclear Corporation (Sunnyvale, CA)
Appl. No.: 05/311,292
Filed: December 1, 1972
As of 03/10/76 SHM Nuclear Corporation was acquaired by EMI Ltd. of England: EMI Medical Limited, Windsor House, Slough, Bucks, England. Since EMI wished to use the scanner as a means to become a major force in medical electronics, Powell argued that some bold external moves were needed to protect the company’s leadership position. In March 1976, EMI acquired for $2 million (£1.1 million) SHM Nuclear Corporation, a California-based company that had developed linear accelerators for cancer therapy and computerized radiotherapy planning systems. Although the SHM product line needed substantial further development, the hope was that linking such systems to the CT scanner would permit a synchronized location and treatment of cancer.
1970 - SHM The Therapi 4
RAD 8:
The Rad 8 therapy planning system breaks the time barrier. Performing in seconds, calculations that take 15 to 20 minutes manually. Time is the biggest barrier to detailed therapy planning. Time required for calculations that optimize the treatment plan, correct for tissue density, adjust for deviations from the central axis. Producing detailed treatment plans two to three times faster than any other system. Rad 8 saves time in entering plan values. They can be raced directly from x-ray images with an acoustic pen, or they can be typed in by the operator using simple interactive English. It saves time in plan interpretation, displaying a graphic map of treatment landmarks that can be instantly varied for heterogeneity corrections, off-axis treatment, changes in patient condition and tumor response. And Rad 8 saves time in record keeping. It gathers plan and treatment information on high capacity floppy discs, the fastest and most convenient storage media. • All the time you save can be devoted to more thorough planning and more precise treatment. Which means more efficient equipment utilization and improved patient care.
The SHM Partners
Russell George Schonberg: He worked with Jerry as well at Varian Associates and on the Stanford Linear Accelerator. He started with SHM, but left in 1970. In 1970, he was fired from SHM Nuclear Corporation because of disagreements with partners. He then founded his own company, Schonberg Radiation Corporation (SRC). He lived in Los Altos, CA. September 15, 1926 - January 22, 2010. In 1968 he & Jerry co-founded SHM.
Alan L. Helgesson: (Los Altos Hills, CA)
Gerald Lemuel Mixon: Co-founder. (Sunnyvale, CA) March 7, 1929 - June 28, 2008. He worked with Russ as well at Varian Associates and on the Stanford Linear Accelerator.
Jim Long: Worked at Varian Medical Systems (1966-1970) and went to SHM Nuclear (1970-1979). Joined as a Sales Rep for SHM Nuclear & then Sales Rep for EMI Therapy.
Robin Bellas: Between 1973 and 1977, he was Vice President of Marketing & Sales at SHM Nuclear Corporation, later acquired by EMI Medical.
SHM 1970
In 2010: The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C., Canada: has located in the Hennings Building closet, the Bernhard Platform is an old 3-axis Cartesian robot, found by Bernhard Zender in October 2010. According to the partial tag on the robot, it was originally built for the SHM Nuclear Corporation of Sunnyvale, California. SHM was acquired by EMI Medical in 1976, and this robot probably dates to that era. Still a mystery as to how it wound up in the UBC Hennings building.
Based on SHM, the RADIOGRAF trademark is used in the following business: X-ray linear accelerators for non-destructive inspection, Canada.
1975 British Journal of Radiology: Experience in implementing the Mark III Rad 8 system for radiotherapy dose computations
Br J Radiol September 1975
PO BOX 1909